COVID-19 Update


What a year it has been.  Since the beginning of this pandemic, we have been here for emergency dental care to reduce the burden on our ER and urgent care facilities. We want to thank all the patients who we have cared for these last 8 months.

As communicated before in previous video updates, we made significant changes to our patient handling protocol and every patient touch point in our office.  We are strictly adhering to the guidelines from the CDC and other oversight bodies. We want to thank all our existing patients for your co-operation and understanding of our efforts help flatten the curve to make a huge difference to our great state of Georgia.

We believe most of those are here to stay for the foreseeable future.  So to ensure your safety and confidence and comply with CDC guidelines, masks are required to enter the building, we are allowing only patients inside the office and have minimized or eliminated any waiting in the lobby, we sterilize all surfaces after each patient encounter with COVID effective disinfectants, we fog the office and each operatory after aerosol producing procedures to kill any air borne organisms, we continue to use the most heightened sterilization techniques, and we twice daily check each patient and staff for potential symptoms.  Rest assured we have exceeded current standards to ensure your safety, as well as the safety of our staff.

Prudence and safety are paramount to maintaining your health against the flu and COVID during this season.  Therefore, neglecting your oral health can significantly and adversely reduce your immunity to these diseases and others and increase your likelihood of contracting them.  Numerous research publications now support this fact and provide linkages to reduced immune capacity of your body and contracting COVID.  PLEASE do not avoid routine dental care such as your hygiene appointments because the build-up on the teeth can progress to periodontal disease and enormous negative impacts on your immune resistance.  Broken teeth, existing unmanaged periodontal disease and dental infections such as decay also compromise your ability to ward off both the common cold or flu but most importantly COVID. 

We are continuing to strongly encourage you to take care of your oral health and we will make every effort to help you in any way possible.  We want to assure your safety in the office and confidence that we do our part to provide the highest level of exceptional care.

Because of our commitment to the community during this pandemic, we have been able to see hundreds of patients from dental offices hundreds of miles away that have closed or not able to provide our comprehensive level of care.  Your oral health impacts your general body health and resistance.  This is a time of extreme risk for life threatening illness.  Please make sure you take care of your teeth so you can stay healthy for yourself, your family, and your loved ones.  We want you to have many more holiday seasons and years ahead of you and not potentially lose those because of your teeth. It means the world to us.  YOU mean the world to us and we are forever thankful to you.

Be Safe!!! Happy Holidays!!!

Venkatesh Srinivasan